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  • David Brownell's avatar
    simplify XScale debug handler installation · 5e837387
    David Brownell authored
    Load the XScale debug handler from the read-only data section
    instead of from a separate file that can get lost or garbaged.
    This eliminates installation and versioning issues, and also
    speeds up reset handling a bit.
    Plus some minor bits of cleanup related to loading that handler:
    comments about just what this handler does, and check fault codes
    while writing it into the mini-icache.
    The only behavioral changes should be cleaner failure modes after
    errors during handler loading, and being a bit faster.
    NOTE:  presumes GNU assembly syntax, with ".incbin"; and ELF,
    because of the syntax of the ".size" directive.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarDavid Brownell <>