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  • rahix's avatar
    feat(api-caller): Hard-disable all IRQs during API calls · 92741109
    rahix authored
    Disable all maskable interrupts on core 1 during API calls.  This brings
    two main advantages:
    1. It means API calls are now always ISR-safe and can be used everywhere
       in core 1 code.  This is mostly interesting to l0dables as Pycardium
       should not need to do this.
    2. It allows Epicardium to halt the clock for core 1 without fear as we
       have observed problems with doing this when core 1 is currently
       executing instructions that touch memory.  Now a synchronous call
       from core 1 will guarantee that it is currently waiting in a WFE and
       no other ISRs could be potentially running.